Manchester brother duo The Flints have blended synthpop and psychedelic music to create their latest upbeat single, “The End Is The End.” The fast and electric pace of the song is a manifestation of the lyrics, which depict a relationship spiraling out of control.
’70s disco and psychedelia is a main inspiration for the brothers and it can be heard within the first second with the duo’s high-pitched harmonies and vocal delivery. The saturated and doubled vocals set the chaotic tone of the song and the pace quickens before eventually falling apart. A kick- and hi-hat heavy drum beat makes the song feel as if it’s falling forward as the electric organ of the first verse descends into a chorus filled with a choir of backing vocals.
The song is filled with small decorative sounds that bring out the sparkle of The Flints’ style. A guitar solo brings up the tempo and lets the song build up even more before the final chorus. With such a fun energy throughout the song, it only makes sense for the band to opt for a crash out rather than a simple fade out to end the single. This only further complements the chaotic theme of the lyrics.
The Flints described the song as a “whirlwind of a relationship” and the lyrics most certainly reflect that. The first verse’s “All the technicolors fade / Looking for a sign of life” describe a relationship that has long since peaked and is now ready to end. Taking notes from their psychedelia predecessors, the duo use a lot of feverish analogy and imagery such as “I can still see the lightning” and “Ringing in the overtones.” The lyrics and arrangement work seamlessly together to create a frantic but fun tune that is sure to make anyone want to dance.
The Flints have just finished touring with collaborator Justice, so it’ll be exciting to see what more comes out of the studio for the Manchester duo. You can listen to “The End Is The End” now wherever you find you music.
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