Leo and the Lioness spread love in new song “Hand Heart”


Leo and the Lioness was formed by two unlikely collaborators sharing their passions for music. Now, they share this passion with the world, hoping to touch the hearts of all who listen. Their latest release “Hand Heart” is about showing love to others. 

“Hand Heart” is about respecting others. Through steady percussion and gentle vocals, Leo and the Lioness encourage listeners to bring more joy into their lives and the lives of others around them. The lyrics empower listeners to do small acts of kindness each day to bring more positivity into their communities. 

You can check out “Hand Heart” below.

Keep up with Leo and the Lioness: TikTok // Spotify

Emma Celenza
Emma Celenza
Emma Celenza is a journalist at Melodic Mag. She is a full-time student at Syracuse University in the Bandier Program for Recording and Entertainment Industries with a minor in Sport Event Management. When she is not writing, you can find her in the cheapest seats at any Philadelphia or Syracuse University sporting event or spending time with her beloved elderly cat, Lola.

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