Are We Hunting talks new single ahead of upcoming releases later this year


Are We Hunting’s latest single, “Portland’s Got Me Beat,” captures the disillusionment of a friend’s move from Los Angeles to Portland, told through a humorous and biting lens. The track, inspired by a real-life story, reflects on the gap between lofty ambitions and the reality that followed. The artist recounts how a friend left LA with the intention of getting serious about his art, only to find himself in a much different situation than expected, involving speed and redneck strippers. With its witty and raw narrative, the song offers a blend of personal experience and storytelling that captures the complexities of this quirky downfall. Below, the artist dives deeper into the story behind the song, the creative process, and how this track fits into the larger body of their work, while maintaining a more stripped-down, authentic sound.

What inspired you to write “Portland’s Got Me Beat”?

Portland’s Got Me Beat was written about an artist friend of mine. I probably shouldn’t say his name. He told me he was leaving Los Angeles to move to Portland, He said he was going to get more serious about his art. I guess by getting more serious about his art he meant doing speed with a bunch of redneck strippers. Fine with me, I just didn’t know that’s what he meant. “

Can you tell us more about your friend’s story and how it influenced the song?

It’s a song written from my friend’s perspective, but I wrote it to take the piss. I wanted to gently, or comically kind of tell him—”hey I know you’re full of shit.” Knowing him he either doesn’t get it or doesn’t care.

How does the move from Los Angeles to Portland reflect in the song’s lyrics and themes?

The song is very simple it’s the whinny inner monologue or confession of a guy who is stuck in Portland and fucking hates it. But he is too far from home to return.

What was your creative process like for this track?

I wrote the song in Napoli, thinking about my friend. It came easy.  And I don’t usually write joke songs, so it was a nice reprieve for me.

When I got home to California I showed it to my friend, Patrick Ferraro, who is an excellent musician. We immediately recorded it. Patrick played most of instruments and produced it.

Can you describe the musical style of “Portland’s Got Me Beat” and how it differs from your previous work?

I don’t really like my previous recordings their too polished because I was too insecure to make stripped-down, raw music. This recording is a little but truer to who I am. Though still a little too polished. My next releases will be more authentic I hope.

How do you use storytelling in your music, and why is it important to you?

I don’t consider myself a real musician. I write stories and then fumble around with a guitar to give the stories a little melody. The songs are more like sparse movies in that sense. So storytelling means everything to me.

Can you talk about the significance of the quirky, local details you included in the lyrics?

The song is based around a real friend, and ive had moments in strip clubs in Portland. So I just sort of melded my friends downfall with shifty little adventures I’ve had in Portland.

How does “Portland’s Got Me Beat” fit into the larger narrative of your upcoming full-length album?

It doesn’t. I am working on the new Album now. The first single probably won’t come out till October. PGMB I recorded separate and apart from the new album.

What role did David Coulter play in the production of the fuller upcoming release, and how did his input shape the final product?

David is the producer, guru and my friend–probably in reverse order. He has a way of making me feel so comfortable and powerful, while still being able to tell me when something isn’t quite there or needs to change. He has copious amounts of notes for every demo I send him. We play all the songs together while he looks over the words. And hes just so in it.

Find Are We Hunting via:

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