Dan Fable lets his guard down in “Sideways”


Manchester based singer-songwriter Dan Fable breaks down his walls in his new single “Sideways.” He expresses that while he has experience writing music, it’s uncharted water for him being an artist. This new single touches on topics of the realities of vulnerability and how being guarded wont allow you to feel all that love can offer. The track’s overall warm invite sets a rather reflective tone under the lyrics for the listener.

The song opens with a slow tempo acoustic arrangement that allow Fable’s vocals to transport the listener. There seems to be a depth through each lyric and the vocalizing in between each line adds to how introspective the nature of the song is. The softer instrumentals with a slow build allow there to be a more seamless transition into his voice as well. The track allows you to hear every word and every instrumental beat effortlessly.

The lyrics in the song touch on the guardedness with which someone who has been hurt in a previous relationship can approach a new one. The lyrics illustrate those complex feelings of emotional barriers being what stands in the way. Some of the lyrics read “And don’t wait for love to come and hit you hard / Cause you’re standing sideways, eyes closed in the dark.”

The song offers solace to those who can relate to navigating these emotional barriers. Fable’s approach to the song definitely makes this alt-pop single a notable one in the scene.

Follow Dan Fable: Spotify // Instagram

Ashley Cardenas
Ashley Cardenas
Ashley Cardenas is currently attending CSU Northridge where she is pursuing a BA in Public Relations and currently holds a AA in journalism. She loves everything about live music and especially enjoys the indie pop/rock music scene.

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