Shutter Releases First Single from Upcoming EP “What I Think I Follow”


Alt rock band Shutter (Jonni Correa, Gavin Shields, Dawid Warchol, and Teresa Marinuzzi), hailing from northern New Jersey, released their new single “What I Think I Follow” last Friday. This track serves as the introduction to their upcoming EP Above Us All, which will tackle issues like mental health, questioning what you’ve been told, and trying to make sense of the world and what might me “above us all”.

“What I Think I Follow” ushers in a new era for Shutter, fueled by singer and guitarist Jonni Correa’s realization that “I’ve lived my whole life thinking it was all about me… but I’m just a grain of sand in the world”.

The track starts off with melancholy vocals over a simple guitar rhythm before subtle drums quickly join the mix. After this short, deceivingly low-energy intro, the song explodes into full-blown energetic and frustrated alt rock with the lyrics “What if I don’t grow up to be everything you thought I’d be”. As the track continues, Correa’s vocals gain a harsher edge as the guitars calm down a bit to let his vocals shine.

As the song progresses, the lyrics detail the band’s struggle with the trials and tribulations of growing up. The instrumental energy continuously changes, showcasing the band’s talent as they seamlessly navigate the shifts in tempo and vocal styles.

Shortly after the 1:30 mark, we move into a slightly calmer bridge during which Correa sings “don’t you want to get away?”. The energy gradually builds back up and a somewhat nostalgic guitar is introduced. We head straight into an energetic breakdown that also serves as the song’s outro, carrying us to the end.

“What I Think I Follow” is also accompanied by a music video that takes on a more playful tone than the loaded, emotional lyrics. Correa is seen enduring a horrible birthday party at home with family before his bandmates and their friends come to the rescue. They raid the house and kick the parents out in a frenzy that ends with a cake being smashed in Correa’s face as he performs.

“What I Think I Follow” certainly ushers in a more serious and introspective era for the band. The energy of the song conveys a frustration with the pains of growing up that any listener will be able to relate to, and the catchy melody will have fans singing along in no time.

If you like this track, keep an eye out for Shutter’s upcoming EP, Above Us All.

KEEP UP WITH SHUTTER: Spotify // Instagram // YouTube

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