Disabled singer-songwriter Laura Holliday is known for her original sketch series titled Brief and Futile Love Stories on Comedy Central Digital. Following her brief stint as part of indie pop duo L and that Blue Eyed Boy, Holliday has released dozens of acoustic original songs on her YouTube channel and is getting used to playing music that connects to a wider bubble outside of her own.
Holliday writes music for those grappling with anxiety and denial, and her latest single, “Forward,” captures her struggle with inner demons when overcoming them seems impossible. Holliday is determined and committed to growing as a human, refusing to dwell on the past. She sings, “I don’t move backward / No more crimes against myself / When I’m lost in time”. Making mistakes is a part of life, though, even if Holliday doesn’t want to admit it. There’s a healing and self-acceptance that permeates the track as she sings, “I’ve made mistakes like you before / And I’ll say it til it don’t hurt no more”.
The song perfectly encapsulates the bedroom pop genre, just enhancing her breathy and smooth vocals that are reminiscent of Lennon Stella’s “Golf on TV” and Julia Michaels.
Holliday manages to give listeners a sense of empowerment and purpose, offering a sympathetic ear. The song is catchy and makes you feel like a butterfly simply soaking in the sun as she sheds her past and moves “Forward.”
Keep up with Laura Holliday: Instagram // Spotify // Website