maxime. explores grunge-pop with “harry houdini”


maxime. - "harry houdini"

Self-produced and engineered musical artist, maxime., from Montreal, is establishing himself as an exciting new face in the realm of pop music. The singer released his debut album whatevernowiscalled, an exciting 18-track album, in 2019, which garnered attention and accumulated more than 40 million streams. 

Now, maxime. unveils his latest single, “harry houdini,” which is stylized in all lowercase as he releases his latest EP, mile end, in March. After initially moving from Ottawa to Montreal in pursuit of his musical dreams, maxime. Found inspiration in the new city. In December 2020, he released his follow-up album, cerulean, marking a significant evolution in who maxime. is as a musician. The album allowed maxime. to dive into the unexpected, discover his true self and explore songwriting at its finest. Now, his second to last single is one for the musical books.

The song,” harry houdini,” is an exciting addition to his musical discography, blending grudge-pop elements with synthesized vocals and an electric guitar. Channeling early 2000s grunge and Britpop musicians, maxime.’s sound is nostalgic and contemporary.

Keep up with maxime.: Instagram // Spotify // TikTok // YouTube // X // Website

Clare Gehlich
Clare Gehlich
Clare is a recent Stony Brook University graduate, holding a BA in Journalism. She was a journalism intern at Melodic for the spring 2024 semester and currently serves as the album coordinator and is a freelance writer for the magazine.

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