Night Wilds unleashes a profound sonic odyssey with “All That Should Have Been”


Night Wilds, spearheaded by Seattle native Seth Micarelli, unveils a musical gem with their upcoming album, All That Should Have Been. Despite being a new band, the project exudes a level of maturity in both composition and production that transcends its newcomer status. Scheduled for release on April 1st, 2024, the album is a grand rock opera set in a circus, narrating the compelling story of a young boy forced into the spotlight.

Micarelli’s personal motivation for creating this album shines through as he expresses that the project served as a means to liberate a story that had long been confined within. It becomes a narrative for those wrestling with their internal worlds, seeking resonance and connection through storytelling. The central theme revolves around the journey of a child navigating the complexities of performance, identity, and the quest for self-discovery.

All That Should Have Been seamlessly weaves together progressive rock, post-punk, elements reminiscent of Phantom of the Opera, and a touch of Tenacious D. The album is introduced to the audience through breadcrumb singles like “New Jerusalem,” “The Show,” “Confusion,” and “Mother,” offering glimpses into the fantastical yet relatable musical journey. Each released track comes accompanied by a corresponding video, enhancing the eerie circus theme and providing an immersive experience into the different sections of the album.

Stream the new singles from the upcoming album below


The album unfolds in a thematic and emotional rollercoaster, with Micarelli adopting the persona of a demented ringleader during the spooky carnival setup in chapters one and two. It’s a musical circus of trauma, urging fans to buckle up for an emotionally charged ride.

Spanning 17 tracks, All That Should Have Been traces the developmental stages of a child, delving into universal themes of fear, confusion, self-discovery, and acceptance. The album reflects the journey of growth, from the vulnerability of infancy to the complexities of adulthood, addressing issues of faith, addiction, and the triumph of self-love.

Deconstructing and reconstructing faith is a recurring theme, mirroring the journey of leaving fundamentalist religion and forging an individual path. The album, following the tradition of concept albums like The Wall, Lateralus, or Kid A, is meant to be consumed as a cohesive narrative, encouraging listeners to experience the story arc from start to finish.

Teaser tracks on Spotify, such as the evocative “City of Strangers,” have garnered significant attention, indicating Night Wilds’ potential ascent in the prog rock scene. However, for Micarelli, the primary focus remains on the cathartic process of creating an authentic record.

Amid the anticipation, Night Wilds releases the single “Heartland,” a melodic ode celebrating the enchantment and untamed spirit of childhood. This musical narrative explores sibling bonds and the liberty found in viewing the world through youthful eyes, emphasizing the resilience inherent in unity.

Find Night Wilds via:

Official Website | Facebook| Instagram | Spotify

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