Artful and lush indie group Raveen returns with poignant new single “In The Middle


Hailing from Montreal, Raveen as a trio has flourished into a united entity since releasing their debut full-length Always in 2017. The record marks their foray into more subdued, lush songwriting and a grandiose approach to arrangement with orchestral strings, choir work and field recording. Live performances are evocative of Jeff Buckley‘s dynamic peaks-and-valleys approach, while blending electronics and live instrumentation in new, innovative ways. Their releases are consistent markers of growth, with more on the way in the coming year.

The group’s latest single and resurgent return after the pandemic era setbacks with “In The Middle,a driving and emotive track. This song tries to provide a snapshot of the emotions we feel in those moments when love and growth fight for dominance in our lives.” -Eric Segun

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