JULES IS DEAD is taking the alt-rock scene by storm


Credit: Breana Otey

Even though they go by JULES IS DEAD, Jules is very much alive. A rising force in the alt-rock scene, the singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist has made waves this year, delivering in-your-face songs that serve to inspire. Earlier this year, Jules was signed to TAG Music, a new management and artist development company that is in partnership with Atlantic Records and run by Gabe Saporta (Midtown, Cobra Starship). After being signed, Jules released their very first singles, “Red Is My Favorite Color” and “My Own Hell.” These songs really resonated with fans, the detailed lyrics and edgy attitude reminiscent of classic songs by artists like Bikini Kill, Avril Lavigne, Citizen, or even one of Jules’s all-time favorites, AFI. JULES IS DEAD is definitely an artist everyone should look out for in the years to come, and with over 300K followers on social media and millions of views on TikTok already, people are taking notice. I recently spoke with Jules about their journey so far this year, finding out more about the new singles, being signed, their target audience, and if red is actually their favorite color.

Hey, Jules! Thanks so much for chatting. How is your day going so far?
Hi! Thank you so much for having me. I’m good, thanks.

2023 has been a big year for you, from signing to Gabe Saporta’s label to releasing your first couple singles! Looking back on all you have accomplished this year, what are some things that stand out to you?
Definitely the two singles finally being released! The whole process to get them out there took a really long time between figuring out when they could actually be recorded, and then with me still in school, things were really hectic. I’m so happy both are out, and I’m excited for the third single before the new year.

You were one of the very first signed to Gabe’s label along with your friend Sophie Powers, so what was it like to be one of the first artists to release music on his label?
I’m so honored I’m one of the first TAG/Atlantic artists, along with Sophie. It’s still a little bit crazy to me as someone who went through a major Cobra Starship phase, and it’s the most exciting thing I’ve ever done.

Thinking back to this time last year, could you have ever guessed that you would be signed, releasing incredible music, and serving as an inspiration for your generation at this point?
It still doesn’t feel real most of the time, to be honest. Especially now that it’s a public thing! This time last year, I was doing sessions and working on a bunch of demos with multiple producers and everyone at TAG helping, but I couldn’t really tell people about it. I couldn’t post about it online, and only my really close friends knew what was going on. I’m really glad that when everyone found out, the news was received well, and all the support I’ve been getting has been amazing. It really means a lot that my art resonates with others.

You have previously mentioned that you ultimately want people to feel heard when they listen to your music, which is very noble. With all that is going on in the world, from the social issues, political problems, economic issues, etc, are there times when it limits your creative process because you don’t want to say or do anything that could be taken the wrong way?
Sometimes it does feel limiting because I talk about so many political issues, and obviously, that can push away listeners. Ultimately, it comes down to who I want those listeners to be. I want the people who listen to my art to want equal rights for women, people of color, the 2SLGBTQ+ community, and all minority groups. Anyone who doesn’t believe in that or share those values is not who I want consuming my art.

JULES IS DEAD - Red Is My Favorite Color (Official Audio)

With your first single, “Red Is My Favorite Color,” does the person who inspired the song know that you were going to release this?
I don’t think they knew; I wrote the song months after we stopped talking, and we haven’t been in contact since. If they’ve heard it, they definitely know it’s about them, and if they haven’t, then they have no clue it’s out!

Also, is red actually your favorite color?
It’s not! My favorite color right now is blue, and earlier this year, it was pink.

Last month, you dropped “My Own Hell” on Friday the 13th. Are you superstitious, or were you confident that nothing bad would happen by releasing it on that day?
Honestly, that day holds a special place in my heart as a goth and horror movie lover, and I think I can say the same about a lot of my fans. We were all celebrating that day anyway, so I figured we could add another thing to celebrate.

You mentioned that the song is about “knowing you’re still powerful even at your lowest,” so what are a few lines from the track that you hope listeners can take and apply to themselves?
“No one can hurt you when you hurt yourself” is a bit of how everyone is their own worst critic. It’s about feeling invincible and not letting other people have more power over you than you do yourself.

JULES IS DEAD - My Own Hell (Official Music Video)

I read that one of your favorite bands is AFI, and I love them too. I feel they get overlooked at times because they have such a long history in the scene… Just really quick, what are your go-to songs by them?
OH MY GOD! They are my favorites of all time! I love them so much! My favorites by them are “Fainting Spells,” “Endlessly, She Said,” and gotta stick with “Girl’s not Grey.”

What else do you have going on this year, musically or non-musically, and what are you looking forward to in 2024?
My next single, “Spells and Power Thoughts,” will be out on December 1, which I’m extremely excited about! And then, in the new year, I want to focus on my audience and fanbase, so we’ll be launching a Discord server and definitely playing shows because I want to interact with as many of my supporters as possible.

Thank you again so much, Jules! Is there anything else you would like to add or share?
Thank you so much for having me!

Credit: Breana Otey

“Spells and Power Thoughts” is out now! You can listen to it, along with “Red Is My Favorite Color” and “My Own Hell,” on platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud, and Apple Music.

Keep up with JULES IS DEAD: Instagram // X // Facebook // TikTok // YouTube // Website

Christine Sloman
Christine Slomanhttps://linktr.ee/christine.sloman
Writer for Melodic Mag since 2018. Music lover since always.

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