Nathan Day talks new EP ‘We Come In Pieces’ and much more


Nathan Day has been making waves in the music industry and now has released his debut EP We Come In Pieces, which is a brilliant work or art. This new project really showcases Nathan’s incredible songwriting ability and the power of telling a compelling story with each song. The EP features Nathan talking openly about his mental health journey, which is refreshing to see and will be an inspiration to many. It sees Nathan at his best, and his true talent really shines through on this one. Nathan first made his big break as the frontman of British rock band Darlia. Now fast forward and Nathan is making a name for himself with his own music that really speaks to him. Nathan is a rising superstar and we can’t wait to see what’s in store next.

We recently had the pleasure to chat with the ever so wonderful Nathan Day himself, we chatted about his new EP, the story behind it, how quarantine has been, and so much more you’ll have to read on to find out!

Hey there! Appreciate you taking the time to chat. For those who may not know who you are, give us a little background on yourself.
Hello Melodic Magazine! I’m Nathan Day, you’ve never heard of me. But that’s okay. We can get through it together. I’ve just moved into a new apartment, I love making music and music videos and get strange looks while I’m doing both of these things.

What are some things that have been keeping you sane in these unprecedented times of the pandemic?
That’s a good question. I have found myself suddenly being able to talk forever. But before, I didn’t talk at all. This is 100% not ideal for people on the receiving end. But everything that happens I think “I can’t wait to talk about that for 6 hours later” because I fucking crave some sort of interaction. To the point that yesterday – and I legitimately mean this – I made a squeak noise to a cat across the road through a window and I genuinely felt better. Also, I just want to say that Nurses and Doctors, and the essential workers and people working in that field right now are literal heroes. You are amazing. Thank you for keeping the world turning

Since the pandemic the music making process has changed. Would you say you prefer making music from home on your own or rather in a studio with others?
Where I was at, I think I needed the time alone. I just needed to work things out. But now that I feel like I have, or at least I feel more clarity, I’m so excited to get into a studio with other people to bounce off and talk to and annoy.

Your new EP We Come In Pieces is set to be released soon, what was the process behind writing that one and the inspiration behind it?
For this EP, I was staying in this apartment in London, I’m not from there though. I couldn’t afford the rent, so I got a job at a coffee place but it didn’t last so I started selling everything I owned including a guitar which I’m just gonna pretend didn’t happen. What guitar? And I was getting evicted and just trying to coast for a bit longer. But I couldn’t. So something snapped and I was like, I am just going to record 6 songs right now from start to finish and not stop until it’s done. So I wrote and recorded them all using Garage Band, which is amazing by the way. I’m used to Logic Pro X, but my Mac had decided it didn’t want to exist anymore and exited this realm in the form of a factory reset while turning off. So I just did everything I could to get these songs finished and saved them all onto a hard drive.

The inspiration was essentially just, and I hate to say it because it’s not healthy and it’s not good. But I was just fed up if you know what I mean. And I needed to do something that I felt could give me some hope.

Do you have a favorite track on the EP? If so, which one?
Right now it’s “Run On Empty” because I’ve just edited it into a clip and it’s stuck in my head.

How would you describe your music in three words?
My Music Is

Which song or project of yours are you most proud of?
I think this one, We Come In Pieces, and I’m not just saying this because it’s coming out soon. Like I can’t stress enough what it took to get here, to talk about it. And I’m not complaining, I’m celebrating. I love it and don’t take a single thing for granted. Everything that could have died, died. Figuratively and literally, like the Mac. And it’s hard to carry on when you feel like a corpse and you don’t know what’s gonna happen. So this is me telling you if you feel it in your BONES, please keep going.

Musically speaking, is there a moment or memory in your life that you always want to hold onto? Or a moment that has taught you a lot?
When you get goosebumps when you hear something you love. This is why I don’t listen to music. Because I love it so much I don’t want to get used to it. I don’t know if this logic checks out, because I fucking love pizza. And I have it all the time, and I still love it. But I don’t want to even take the risk.

What music have you been listening to lately? Favorite artists?
Oops! I can still answer though, when me and my brother were driving around looking for where to film She Came Down From The Stars, he slapped on Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus. And I think that’s one of the best releases in the past decade. Just listen to her voice on the Zombie cover. She is an absolute force. I don’t care what anyone says, because she has a reputation as a pop star. That is someone who can sing with heart.

Lastly, what is a message you hope fans who listen to your music take away from it? (Thank you again for your time!)
I hope that you look for little things, and I hope that you find them. Thanks so much for the interview, I enjoyed it very much <3

Listen to Nathan’s new EP “We Come In Pieces” here !

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